evil malicious cruel website for evil people

rest in peace ffrbot. looketh down upon thine successor. behold the fucked up shades of green and weep

anyway like. ok its fun! it's gonna be fun. see look at this that gives you a number between one and five. or a random fandom. depends on when exactly you're visiting this site LMAO

here's but i won't tell you what this one does. actually, you can probably figure it out by clicking on it (it gives you a trope. lol)

this is another button that does a secret third thing. (it gives you a combo fandom and trope)

BEHOLD! the result:

AUTOMATIC AO3 LINK CREATED !! no clue how to make it a hyperlink but you can copy and paste that and it probably won't work but hey something might come up

anyway anyway check this shit out babes watch this its gonna be sick. hoo. okay. just give me a second here to get ready. okay

this used to be a cute gif of my blorbos but they got the compression sicknesses so i put them out of their misery

it's really just here so i can make sure the site isn't frozen while i test it out

okay, jesas* fucking christ i'll elaborate. for those of you that weren't there at the moment of ffr's conception (way way waaaay back in like early 2018), it's a game where you find a random fic and read it out loud to your friends. whoever breaks, loses. if you break, you lose points. if you can read something like (*jesus x judas) biblical omegaverse porn without laughing you win! that's basically it. you can also use the prompts to write a fanfiction if you want, but tbh there are funnier websites for that.

it's... funnier than it sounds?

btw-sies, if you're showing this to someone who might not want the neon pea soup theme or otherwise isn't a fan of this sense of humour, i've made a normal version of the website here :]